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Q: Who is your Members-Only Stock Analysis for?
A: This service is for those who'd like to consider my data analysis in their decision-making.

Q: Are the stocks you feature the ones you recommend to buy?
A: I do not give stock recommendations. My ideal clients are those who do not want to be told what stocks to buy and at what price to sell and those who only want to pick my brains. Surely, spoonfeeding people with stock recommendations will make me rake in lots of subscription fees, but that isn't aligned with my values. I want to be the catalyst for growing the population of investors who can decide independently after reading an analysis.

Q: How often do you publish new members-only stock analysis?
A: There is no fixed time as to when I publish one. Sometimes, I publish new articles as trading happens. Sometimes, I publish articles by the end of day. Make it a habit to visit this page for new updates.

Q: How do you decide which stocks to feature in your articles?
A: I refer to the most viewed disclosures on PSE Edge, the most active stocks, top traded stocks, worst losers, top gainers, and trending stocks. I only refer to lists that are not within my control, such as the ones I mentioned, to avoid controversies regarding whether I only write about stocks that I already own or am planning to acquire. Additionally, all my articles are heavily data-driven. There is not a single article on this website that is solely based on what I "believe, feel, or think." Every interpretation is data-oriented. In fact, my write-ups are so heavily data-driven that they might be boring for someone who dislikes critical thinking and numbers.

Q: Is it guaranteed that the share price of the stock you feature in your article will go up?
A: I analyze stocks so I'll have a data-driven basis for what's likely to happen and for me to plan ahead on what I will do if the reality does not agree with my analysis. I don't only feature stocks that are likely to go up, but also stocks that are likely to continue to go down.